Sunday 19 March 2017

Big Breakfast Baguette

If you are feeling brave enough you can try out this sandwich. It is the combination of some the breakfasts I love. It's got caramelised onions, baked beans, sausages, eggs and the list goes on. I got the inspiration to make this sandwich from combining onion sausage baguette and the English breakfast baguette. The result was amazing.

I will put up a post on how I made the caramelised onion sauce I used for this baguette. It made a huge difference. This recipe is really flexible, you can use a different kind of bread if you like, you can also take out some of the ingredients if it's too much. I couldn't eat all of mine at once but I enjoyed every bit.

  • Baguette
  • Baked beans
  • 2 eggs 
  • Mushrooms
  • 1 sausage
  • Caramelised onions
  • Bacon


Clean and cut the mushrooms in slices. Place the mushrooms, sausage and bacon on a baking sheet and bake according to instruction or you can fry alternatively. Fry the eggs to your preference.

Cut the baguette into two, try to scrape out bits of the bread to give room for the fillings. Fill in the baguette starting with the onion sauce, then the bacon strips and sausage, baked beans, eggs and mushroom. Heat in the oven for about 7 mins. Enjoy!


You may need to cut the fillings in strips to get it to fit into the baguette.

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